Descale It - what can it do?

De Scale It is a powerful liquid designed to dissolve all water scale, lime, rust & other water formed deposits. It is a very fast acting liquid product which can be used on jugs & kettles, Urns , showers, toilets and portable toilets etc.
Note this is not a product to be used for Coffee Machines ( unless you can run it through cold, or drinking water tanks.
For example in a jug that has built up some sediment and scale. Pour into an empty cool, wet jug about 100-150 mls and swirl around all areas with a problem for a few minutes. You will see it changing as you do it, pour the concentrate back in the bottle for future use and rinse thoroughly with fresh water, then fill and boil once before use. With a jug the solution can often be used a few times.
It is very easy to use and must be washed off thoroughly with water afterwards but it is septic safe.
To clean out a cassette toilet that has some scale or build up on the bottom of the bottom tank. Sit it flat on the ground with the slide closed but the outer cover back out of the way. Pour enough DeScaleIt into the circle to just cover the slide area and leave a few minutes,then open the slide slowly and pour in 125-250mls depending on how bad and how big the scale is. Now pick it up and carefully swirl the concentrated product around all areas that have scale on them for at least 4-5 minutes, then let it sit flat for 30 mins , on each side for 20-30mins, now close the slide and you can sit it on its roof for a few minutes. Now stand on the end with the filler uppermost and fill with fresh water ,with the product still in there too. Soak standing up for6-8 hours then empty ,rinse well twice and its ready to go.
Always dry off and re-oil the slide and seals with olive oil or cooking oil.
If you have a top tank or flush ( not everyone has one) and it needs a clean then add 1/4 cup bleach and fill with water, pump or run the water for a few seconds and top up again, then soak for 3-4 hours before pumping some more then drain and rinse well twice before filling with fresh water only.